Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Together with the giant shark swim

SHARK pope or the local Filipino community call "butandings" is the largest fish in the world which has a length of 14 meters and weigh more than 1,500 pounds. Whale sharks are routinely seen in Donsol, Sorogon, particularly in February through April.
( see also: lomba burung )

Travelers can snorkel or swim while feeding the benign giant animals. Sweetheart this one turned shark species is one that is almost extinct among other shark species.

This shark species threatened shark hunting wild because of the high demand for shark fins and the high price of oil on the market. In addition, unregulated tourism also reduce the number of these animals.

But in Donsol, you can swim with whale sharks without threatening the population. Whale sharks in Donsol Tourism supervised by a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) environmentalists, so it would be safe for the animal.( see also: lomba burung piala raja 2014 )

is the largest fish in the world which has a length of 14 meters and weigh more than 1,500 pounds. Whale sharks are routinely seen in Donsol, Sorogon


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